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The Lonely Dead April Henry Books

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The Lonely Dead April Henry Books

I won this in a Goodreads Giveaway. I also want to thank Henry Holt & Co and Netgalley for a copy of the eARC in exchange for a fair review.

Adele can see the dead, well she hasn't for awhile because she has been taking her meds. But lately she hasn't been which is why she is shocked when her friend Tori calls her name as she is walking home from the park. However, she notices immediately that she is dead or well she doesn't want to notice that. So despite not wanting to draw attention to herself she makes the call from a payphone to report the body.

Soon Adele finds herself in the middle of investigation and if she isn't careful she might just get arrested for her friend's murder.

So this is brief and spoilers, but I also want to talk about a few things. I have read most of April's other books and this just kind of fell flat for me. It had so much potential, the plot, the storyline, and even most of the characters. Sadly I can't even rave about the all of the things I want too because spoilers.

That being said Adele, on the one hand I loved her, on the other I was like girl wake up... I mean for real. Her mother warned her, but she couldn't listen. Second the investigation was like stumbling in the dark, I mean literally considering how she found out everything. I had a pretty good idea, but wasn't for sure. Mostly because I didn't know if there was going to be a really shocking twist. Kudos for the red herrings and things thrown out to make you think otherwise.

Luke, don't get me started on him... and him and Adele...for someone not on the popular side and having been picked one and humiliated she was super naive when it came to him. I know this is a YA so don't think I am judging it too harshly. These are high schoolers and at least 17 so you may not always be completely on the game, but you should know most of the people you are in classes with it, at least by reputation. Overall, I liked the book, I just wanted more from it.

Read The Lonely Dead April Henry Books

Tags : The Lonely Dead (9781250157577): April Henry: Books,April Henry,The Lonely Dead,Henry Holt and Co. (BYR),1250157579,Detective and mystery stories,Mental illness,Murder,Murder;FIction.,Mystery and detective stories,Mystery and detective stories.,Paranormal fiction,Schizophrenia,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,137101 Holt BFYR-BYR TC,Action & Adventure General,Fiction-Mystery & Detective,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,TEEN'S FICTION - ACTION & ADVENTURE,TEEN'S FICTION MYSTERY & DETECTIVE,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Law & Crime,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Mysteries & Detective Stories,Young Adult FictionAction & Adventure - General,Young Adult FictionLaw & Crime,Young Adult FictionParanormal, Occult & Supernatural,mystery books for teens; young adult mystery books; teen paranormal books; young adult paranormal book; teen paranormal fiction; murder mystery; chilling; young adult paranormal fiction; ya ghost stories; young adult paranormal novels; teen occult books; young adult occult books; occult fiction; teen supernatural fiction; teen supernatural novels; young adult supernatural fiction; strong female protagonists; supernatural powers; family life; family drama; ghosts; ya action and adventure; teen adventure stories; young adult action and adventure novels

The Lonely Dead April Henry Books Reviews

Outcast girl sees ghosts. Popular girl dies. You can probably figure out the rest.

Where to start... I love a good ghost story and a little mental illness thrown in is the best, but this book reads as if directed towards a very narrow age group. I don't think anyone over the age of 16 would find it entertaining, and with all the talk of underage drinking, I wouldn't want anyone younger than 14 reading it. So the targeted- but also appropriate- audience for this novel is basically only 15 year olds. Ok maybe 15-17 because the MC is 17, however the girl on the front cover of the book looks 28. So who knows.
Seriously though, can I please complain about how many times Adele was so mystified by her new-found knowledge that sometimes people black out when they drink? There was a good 5 or 6 times she recalled her health class teacher mentioning that sometimes people black out after drinking a lot and don't remember what they did. I felt this was basic knowledge but our MC really seemed to have no clue.
There was also no romance. The book begins w Adele randomly kissing Charlie (maybe just so the author would have a reason to keep him as a character) and before at Tori's infamous party (hate this trope) where she drunk-kissed Luke, Tori's boyfriend. *gasp* not.

"The Lonely Dead" is an okay ghost story for some teenagers.
I enjoyed the take on ghosts in this YA paranormal mystery, but unfortunately the plot wasn’t as strong as the concept.

Adele has been diagnosed as schizophrenic, but she actually does see dead people, not hallucinations. When a former friend is murdered after they have a fight at a party, Adele discovers Tori’s ghost—and her body. Tori wants Adele to help figure out who murdered her, and Adele reluctantly agrees. Her attempts to find the killer become more urgent when the police start to suspect that Adele herself committed the crime.

As an idea, the story works, but the mystery aspect is weak. Adele’s sleuthing is not very effective; she mostly wanders around speculating about whether this or that person might have committed the crime. In the end, the killer’s own miscalculations are their downfall, and the story is wrapped up in a very abrupt way. The identity of the murderer wasn’t exactly a surprise, either.

I did like the way Adele’s ghostly gift works. Rather than being haunted by ghosts who follow her around, Adele can only see the dead when she is near their remains. That’s an interesting idea, and it adds some complexity to the story, since Adele can only communicate with Tori at certain times, like the visitation and the funeral. So, Adele really doesn’t have a ghostly partner in her investigations, which is the more typical approach. It’s too bad that the story itself doesn't live up to the premise.

A copy of this book was provided through NetGalley for review; all opinions expressed are my own.
I won this in a Goodreads Giveaway. I also want to thank Henry Holt & Co and Netgalley for a copy of the eARC in exchange for a fair review.

Adele can see the dead, well she hasn't for awhile because she has been taking her meds. But lately she hasn't been which is why she is shocked when her friend Tori calls her name as she is walking home from the park. However, she notices immediately that she is dead or well she doesn't want to notice that. So despite not wanting to draw attention to herself she makes the call from a payphone to report the body.

Soon Adele finds herself in the middle of investigation and if she isn't careful she might just get arrested for her friend's murder.

So this is brief and spoilers, but I also want to talk about a few things. I have read most of April's other books and this just kind of fell flat for me. It had so much potential, the plot, the storyline, and even most of the characters. Sadly I can't even rave about the all of the things I want too because spoilers.

That being said Adele, on the one hand I loved her, on the other I was like girl wake up... I mean for real. Her mother warned her, but she couldn't listen. Second the investigation was like stumbling in the dark, I mean literally considering how she found out everything. I had a pretty good idea, but wasn't for sure. Mostly because I didn't know if there was going to be a really shocking twist. Kudos for the red herrings and things thrown out to make you think otherwise.

Luke, don't get me started on him... and him and Adele...for someone not on the popular side and having been picked one and humiliated she was super naive when it came to him. I know this is a YA so don't think I am judging it too harshly. These are high schoolers and at least 17 so you may not always be completely on the game, but you should know most of the people you are in classes with it, at least by reputation. Overall, I liked the book, I just wanted more from it.
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